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Ouf Dah

Yeah, the heat got to me today. I've mostly accepted the fact that I will be in a constant state of sweat here. It broke me a little today.

Today, and I'm not exaggerating, I've taken FOUR showers, all with as cold of water as she can put out, and I also jumped into a pool. This is a bit on the high end, but I do take a minimum of two showers a day. One when I awake, cause I'm disgusting, and, one when I get home from school after our 40 min tuk-tuk commute, also, because I'm disgusting.

Again, I also don't exaggerate when I say that the moment I get into my room, I strip right on down and and stand about 6 inches from my pedestal fan on high. This has become just a normal part of my routine.

This weekend, my roomy, 71 year old Margarita, flew the coup to visit Battambang and I was stoked to have a little oasis of solitude, aka, our room. Yes, the quiet was lovely and space to myself was nourishing, but the heat was unrelenting. It was literally miserable to spend time during the day in my room, even stripped bare with BOTH fans (yes, absolutely I took her fan over) blowing directly on me, full blast.

I'm grateful to not a thermostat in our room. I think anger would have the astute potential to form. But, if I were to gamble, I'm guessing we would range from a comfortable (yes, you picked up some sarcasm), yet balmy 80-83 degrees during the day. Just a guess.

Well, I booked myself a room tonight. Yup, straight up treating myself. Lodging prerequisite: Air conditioning. Nothing else. Don't care.

SO, to my absolute amazement, THIS place has my name written ALL over it!

It's called YK Art House. It's located in this graffiti adorned alley, whose entry way is very unassuming. I had to ask the guy at the front desk if I was at the right place, cause I couldn't see any sign to tell me otherwise. Checked in. Easy. Rounded the corner to head towards my room, and are you ready....drum roll, please....there's a thrift store INSIDE the lobby whose proceeds go to Cat Ladies of Cambodia!!!!

I'm not even done. Past the thrift shop is this beautiful outdoor courtyard that has a small, but gorgeous pool (the one I dipped in) connected to a VEGAN café. Yep, vegan café. Through the café, you are welcomed by a GIANT library of books that you are welcome to borrow and check out. Nestled inside the array of books is an entire row of UKULELES!!!

I head up the stairs to find my room and there is this open, peaceful space with meditation cushions and yoga mats for personal use.

Are we all taking a deep, calm, belly breath together in this moment?

And, exhale.

I'm gonna sleep like a rock star tonight.

And, by request, here is the after photo of my hair. It's still long, friends. No doubt about it. It was a gentle trust fall, and I was caught. :)

And, YOU. Yep, you. Really, truly, thank you for reading this and following my journey. This blog has served me more than I can express. I'm grateful for the connection to home and family and dear friends.



Feb 11, 2024

Love, love, love that you found this beautiful oasis! One of the many glimmers the Universe is sending you. Love you my friend.


Feb 06, 2024

Wow Susie!!!! That place is SO you! Hope you enjoyed your stay:) I love reading your blog. We love you!


Feb 05, 2024

Suz, thanks for sharing your reprieve story. Sounds like it was meant just for you. I love reading about your adventures.


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